Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Greece Cut to Junk at S&P as Contagion Spreads (Update2) -

Notice that nowhere in this story does the writer actually tell you what is the yield on 10 year notes.

FYI: the 10-year Greek bond yield rose 164 basis points to 11.69 percent as of 11:32 a.m. in London.

Remember, Paterson predicted disaster in the Greek bond market when 10-year yields were 6.83 on April 6th.


* * * * * J B K * * * * *

San Francisco

Greece's credit rating was cut three steps to junk by Standard and Poor's, the first time a euro member has lost its investment grade since the currency's 1999 debut. The euro weakened and stock markets throughout the region plunged.

Greece was lowered to BB+ from BBB+ by S&P, which also warned that bondholders could recover as little as 30 percent of their initial investment if the country restructures its debt. The move, which puts Greek debt on a par with bonds issued by Azerbaijan and Egypt, came minutes after the rating company reduced Portugal by two steps to A- from A+.