Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Former CDO experts eye emerging markets | Reuters

Securitization is replacing bank loans in emerging markets, just like it does in the US.

* * * * * J B K * * * * *

San Francisco

Throngs of U.S. credit experts displaced in the credit crisis have shifted their sights to emerging markets in South America and Asia, anticipating a corporate bond boom there will replace jobs lost in the securitization business.

Investors' realization that sliced and diced piles of debt with lofty-sounding acronyms such as CDOs could be treacherous was one catalyst for the global financial meltdown. As faith in that part of the bond market evaporated many experts who built, analyzed and sold such securities saw their jobs vanish.

More so than any other bond market sector, securitization desks were decimated in the market meltdown and ensuing wave of Wall Street layoffs, headhunters say.
