Friday, April 16, 2010

Fed's balance sheet hits record | Reuters

Old news, and wrong.

This is the problem with using seasonally adjusted data.

The peak in the Fed's balance sheet - according to St. Louis Fed numbers - was back in February.

I would be surprised to see new highs in this number.

* * * * * J B K * * * * *

San Francisco

The U.S. Federal Reserve's balance sheet rose to a record high in the latest week, Fed data released on Thursday showed, as the last of the U.S. central bank's mortgage support efforts came to a conclusion.

The Fed's balance sheet -- a broad gauge of its lending to the financial system -- increased to $2.322 trillion in the week ended April 14 from $2.290 trillion in the week ended April 7.

The Fed's program of buying mortgage securities came to a conclusion on March 31, though the figures suggest it was still taking delivery of some of those purchases.