Friday, March 12, 2010

U.S. Economy: Sales Rise as Buyers Overcome Snow, Job Concerns -

There's nothing like a trillion dollars of fresh cash to fire up the economy.

Jobs are coming.

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March 12 (Bloomberg) -- Americans braved blizzards and overcame job concerns to propel retail sales in February, pointing to a broadening in growth that will help sustain the expansion.

Purchases unexpectedly climbed 0.3 percent, the fourth gain in the past five months, Commerce Department figures showed today in Washington. Another report showing consumer sentiment dropped in March for the second consecutive month represented a risk to the improvement in sales.

"The spending numbers look pretty impressive, especially considering they must have been held down a little at least by the snowstorms," said James O'Sullivan, global chief economist at MF Global Ltd. in New York. "It adds to evidence that the recovery is gathering pace."