Saturday, February 20, 2010

People Who Bought Alan Greenspan Portraits Now Wish Him Dead -- Daily Intel

When he got the job as Chairman of the BOG of the Fed, back in August of 1987, I suspected he was incompetent.

Within two months, he'd proven me correct, causing the largest collapse in the stock market since the great contraction of 1929-33.

During his tenure, he blundered through more incompetent policies than any man should be allowed, and on his way out the door, he caused another stock market crash, as big as the great contraction.

The only question is, why did it take so long for the world to figure out he's an idiot?

* * * * * J B K * * * * *

San Francisco

A decade ago, everyone wanted a piece of Alan Greenspan. The Federal Reserve chairman had the economy riding so high, then-presidential candidate John McCain famously quipped that if the man died, he wanted to have him stuffed and put up on the wall at the Federal Reserve. And all over the world, ordinary people really did put Greenspan on their walls, in the form of Erin Crowe's oil portrait of his familiar, wrinkly visage. But now that the Greenspan bubble has burst along with the housing bubble he created, these people are shamefacedly hiding said portraits away in the same place they keep their Nixon buttons and Idi Amin bobblehead dolls.